

About Us

With over two decades of experience, MVD Express provides licenses/Real ID, titles,registrations, call center support and dealer services to over 300,000 customers annually through our Retail, Commercial and Support Divisions. As theleading third-party agent and partner for the State of New Mexico and mostrecently Montana, we understand the tight financial circumstances in whichjurisdictions must operate and the increasing need for additional flexibilityin managing all growth and overflow scenarios. Our deep understanding ofindustry issues inspires us to design better solutions while maintaining aculture of continuous improvement that fosters efficiency, transparency, andaccountability.

·       Omni-channel service model that has capability to serve bothconsumer & commercial clients

·       Call Center & Help Desk Support

·       Advising & Consultation for all Motor Vehicle &Licensing Operations

·       RFP Development

·       Modernization Support

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